All the Good Intentions
to a fundraiser for a worthy
congressional candidate
(who does not, unfortunately, represent my district)
But there were many school system people there--
the important ones who work in the
hulking administrative building
that eats up 59% of the per pupil spending
I spoke with a guy who works for School Stat
(they try to hold the system accountable)
This was my guy!
This guy can explain to me where the
billion dollars go...
"Well, there's a lot of waste,
poor management, and Special Ed."
The usual stuff. But what do we do?
I didn't ask him his annual salary.
He was smart, well-spoken...
all the things I do not expect from
a school system employee
"I made up the funding formula," he said
"we were trying to de-politicize it but we
knew there'd be some issues with schools
like yours. And, your principal makes a
good argument. But if we gave it to you--
we'd have to give it to everyone."
Another woman spoke to me.
She used to teach in Boston
now she works on new initiatives for
the K-12 schools in the office of
"I love being in urban education," she chortled
"not like those county people.
I could never work with them.
You know what I mean."
No. I don't.
Kids everywhere need an excellent education
and I've yet to be convinced
that another administrative position
is the best thing for urban education.
It seems an ocean of distance between
your desk and my classroom.
All these good people
standing around
this good candidate
I admire
talking about their good work
in this city and these good
seem hardly enough
hardly enough
good intention--
to make the change
we need.